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Executive Partnership

The Executive Partner program creates a new level of EN engagement for you to connect and grow your business. For only $250 per person per year, participants in the EN community become stakeholders of our organization with extra benefits for you and your company, including:

>Discounted rate at all EN Executive Forums and other EN events;
>Invitations to exclusive EN events open only for Executive Partners, Sponsors and Board members;
>Eligibility to serve on the EN Board of Directors;
>The ability to connect via an e-link with others in the EN Executive Partner Group;
>Executive Partners identification on EN Web site; and,
>Additional exposure at EN events: Name badge with Executive Partner indication and recognition from podium.

The Executive Partner program is open to all participants within the EN Community who have attended at least three EN events in the last 12 months. The application process requires board-member endorsement. Prepare to connect even more in 2010 by becoming an Enterprise Network Executive Partners!

First Name:
Last Name:
State: (ignore for non-US transactions)
Zip Code:
Credit Card Billing Address
If different than above.
Zip Code:
Email Address:
When did you first attend an Enterprise Network Executive Forum?
  2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 or earlier
How often in the last 12 months have you attended an Enterprise Network Executive Forum?
  1 or 2 3-6 7 or more
Which of the following best describes your role in your organization?
  CEO COO CFO President Owner Sr. VP VP Assistant VP Partner Middle Manager Line Manager Professional Individual Contractor Other
Up to this point, what has been your involvement with Enterprise Network (Please check all that apply)
  Attended Executive Forums Served on EN Committee Served on EN Board of Directors EN Partner at another level
Please explain why you are interested in becoming an EN Executive Partner?
Please provide a brief description of your business.
Board Member Endorsement (Please provide the name of the EN Board Member who endorses your EP application)
EP Badge info - Name as you would like it listed on badge
EP Badge info - Company Name as you would like it listed on badge
($250.00) - Annual Fee
Charge Amount: - $250.00
Pay via Credit Card  
Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Credit Card Expiration (mm/yy): /
Name On Card:
C V V Value:

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