Arizona Citizens for the Arts profile

Arizona Citizens for the Arts

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Statement of Purpose: It is the purpose of the organization to be the voice of arts advocacy in the state of Arizona, a strong and active member of the regional and national arts advocacy discourse as well as to serve as a resource for member arts organizations and the community at large for arts advocacy and issues affecting arts and arts education in the state.


Address: 514 W. Roosevelt Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone Number: 602-253-6535
Fax: 602-253-6547
Email Address: [email protected]
Web Site:


Number of Employees: 2
Full Time Volunteers: 0
Part-Time Volunteers: 2


Major Fund-raisers: Governor's Arts Awards Dinner


Director(s): Brenda Sperduti, Executive Director
Key Personnel: Business Manager


Founded: 1981
Community Served: Statewide


Ongoing Projects: Arts Action Alerts, Emerging Leaders Arizona


Newsletter: February Arts Advocacy Newsletter



Previous Event Coverage:

April 23, 2008 27th Annual 2008 Governor's Arts Awards Dinner

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