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Have You Met Bernice Germaine? Lifelong volunteer Bernice “Bunnie” Germaine now dedicates her positive energy to IFADD- the International Foundation for Anticancer Drug Discovery. “They are so knowledgeable about every aspect of cancer! Through their research of clinical trials they are saving lives. When other people and organizations have given up on Stage IV of cancer patients, IFADD advocates for them, and finds places where they can receive help. It’s a totally different organization than other cancer groups.” After Bunnie was introduced to the organization through a friend, she says, “There was no turning back!” Previously Bunnie volunteered for years with the Kivel Geriatric Center, serving on the board and operating the gift shop. She also volunteers at Temple Solel in Phoenix. Before moving to Phoenix, Bunnie was living in Boston. “A friend of mine was a city councilman, and he was serving as an advisor to John F. Kennedy. So during the presidential campaign I walked door to door drumming up support for then Senator Kennedy.” When Bunnie first moved to Phoenix forty years ago, “My first impression was that everyone was so nice to one another. I suppose most of us had come from elsewhere and we were all eager to make friends. Of course I also love the Arizona weather, and the great shopping we have down here!” Today Bunnie (known by this nickname since she was six years old) is the mother of three daughters, a son, and seven grandchildren. “I’m so blessed that they are all successful and good people! One daughter lives in Phoenix, another is in real estate in Tucson, one works and lives in San Francisco, and my son is an attorney in Phoenix. Her leisure activities include the theatre, needlepoint, movies, family, mahjong and cards and “my wonderful group of friends that I have here.” Putting in a final promotion for IFADD, Bunnie says “ Our ball was so successful this year, with 650 people attending. It’s so important that the word gets out about IFADD and the great work we are accomplishing.” Bunnie concludes, “I always try to be a positive thinker. You can only go forward, you can’t go back. So I believe the keys to a happy life are laughter, love, and friendship!” What are your volunteer activities? Honorary Chairman, Friends of IFADD/Arizona Member, Advisory Council, IFADDC co-Chairman, Ball Committee Host Committee for IFADD's Jewels of the Sea Ball 2007; Temple Solel volunteer. Which social event is your favorite? IFADD's Jewels of the Sea Ball Favorite Restaurant? Capital Grille Who is your hero and why? I’m not a hero worshipper, but I do admire Mikhail Baryshnikov as a dancer; JFK as a world leader (I worked for his campaign as a young person in Boston); I admire people who devote their lives to helping others. Who is the most interesting celebrity you have ever met? Gerda Klein, who accepted the Academy Award for a documentary about her life (“One Survivor Remembers”)...she has done so many fine things for the world. If your life were a movie, whom would you want to play your part? Ingrid Bergman, who was my favorite actress of yesteryear. Ellen Burstyn as a current actress. What gives a woman/man style? Manners plus appearance Do you have any Pets? No, but my daughter has an adorable Havanese puppy, “Oscar,” who’s a member of our family. When you move, what will your home tell its next owner, about you? She was very neat and clean and had a gracious style. She wanted her home to be warm and inviting. What words describe you best? Optimistic, positive, loyal, sharing. What words would you like others to use to describe you? She is a good friend and a good mother, a caring person. What was your first job? I was a dancer with the Frances Cole troupe in New York What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Sometimes I interrupt people. (I try to control that!) What is the trait you most deplore in others? Rudeness What is your greatest indulgence? Ice cream What is the greatest gift you have ever given and received? Love What or who is the greatest love of your life? My children and grandchildren What is your current state of mind? Positive and energetic—always looking forward What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? The love and support of a fabulous network of family and friends. What is your most treasured possession? Photo albums. What is the quality you most like in people? Honesty and sincerity, zest for living Favorite books / Writers? All But My Life (Gerda Klein), The Kite Runner, My Sister’s Keeper, John Grisham books for a fun read. What is the best advice you have ever received? From my lifelong friend Faye: “Life is not a dress rehearsal."