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Have You Met Charles Adornetto? He dispenses justice in his professional life, but Phoenix attorney and Judge Charles Adornetto also brings his quiet strength to his nonprofit activities. Charles has just been installed as the new President of A Stepping Stone Foundation. Five years ago he became involved with the organization. “I knew people who were on the Board already, and my wife suggested that I needed a hobby!” A Stepping Stone Foundation, in collaboration with the Isaac and Alhambra School Districts, provides five preschool classes for a total of 90 children and their families. Children who attend are identified as those with the most "limited opportunities" within their attendance boundaries. The classes are culturally diverse and are representative of their districts. In addition, the Foundation requires that parents of preschool students attend adult education and parenting skills classes, and that parents volunteer in the preschool classroom and allow home visits by the teacher, emphasizing the importance of education and family literacy to the parents. Working with A Stepping Stone has been a good fit, as Charles declares “I’ve always felt that education is extremely important. It’s wonderful to reach populations that need encouragement for continuing their education.” Charles is himself a prime example of the value of an education. He revealed that his parents were immigrants from Italy, and he is a first generation American. “I was the first person in my family to even go to college, so I felt the need to aim high. My goal was to be either a doctor or a lawyer, and since I was better in social studies than in science, the law was a logical choice!” He has been a practicing attorney for 20 years now, is the Chief Hearing Officer for the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections, and acts as a Judge Pro Tempore for five jurisdictions in the Valley. Besides his work in the law, Charles also does some substitute teaching for three Phoenix school districts. “A few years ago, a local newspaper wrote articles describing a huge need for qualified substitutes in the school system. Since then, I occasionally sub, and I’ve found my niche teaching grammar school age children.” Born in Buffalo, New York, infamous for its yearly snowfall amounts, Charles laughs that “My parents retired here to Phoenix. One time I came down to visit them, and asked myself ‘what am I doing in New York?’ So in 1981 I moved to Arizona.” He discusses another quality of the Phoenix area that he appreciates, “We’re such a fast growing community, that there are so many opportunities to have a positive impact on people’s lives.” For recreation Charles is a fan of the theatre, enjoys sports, and loves spending time with his wife, new baby granddaughter Hannah Victoria, and family and friends. Charles concludes about his hopes for A Stepping Stone Foundation, and for really anyone who is thinking of devoting their time to nonprofits. “People should understand that it is very rewarding to know that you have made a positive impact on someone. And there are so many opportunities that are available for people to make a difference.” What are your volunteer activities? President, A Stepping Stone Foundation; Member, Arizona Bar Fee Arbitration Committee; Member, Arizona Bar Peer Review Committee. Which social event is your favorite? Most theater events and anything with my wife. Favorite Restaurant? YC’s Mongolian BBQ; Mu Shu Grill; Desert Jade. Who is your hero and why? Pat Tillman, Rev. Bill Smith and Rev. Gene LeFauve, three people who really put meaning to their beliefs. Who is the most interesting celebrity you have ever met? Pat Tillman. If your life were a movie, whom would you want to play your part? I would WANT Bruce Willis. I would GET Jason Alexander. What gives a woman/man style? Intelligence, honesty, humor and compassion (I hope). Do you have any Pets? Four indoor cats and a goldfish. We also have a wildlife sanctuary in our back yard, with three bunnies, four squirrels, a hummingbird, and dozens of quail and birds. When you move, what will your home tell its next owner, about you? I have little decorating ability and no talent as a handyman. What words describe you best? Quiet, smart, funny, caring. What words would you like others to use to describe you? Smart, funny, honest, caring, empathetic, integrity. What was your first job? Produce clerk at Tops Supermarket. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Can be somewhat obsessive. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Lack of empathy; superficiality. What is your greatest indulgence? My ties. Most of the ties I wear now are from Save the Children. The ties are designed by the kids and a portion of the cost goes to the charity. What is the greatest gift you have ever given and received? Being and having a soul mate. Who is the greatest love of your life? My wife Dina What is your current state of mind? Constantly in motion. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Graduating Stanford Law School. What is your most treasured possession? My mind. What is the quality you most like in people? Honesty. Favorite books / Writers? Janet Evanovich; Brian Jacques; Peter David. What is the best advice you have ever received? "Charlie, the key to a strong marriage is this: when you're arguing with your wife, when you're wrong you're wrong, and when you're right you're wrong. The sooner you understand this, the stronger your marriage will be."

I uncle charlie!How are you?I'm playing the drums now!
Kinley Ragan

Great picture. Sorry you left off the magic marker on top. You've really arrived!
Marie Dils

Good to hear from you! I saw David twice within the last week with Tyler(2) & Kinley(1) first day of school... Hopefully Valerie is handling it all well (saw her after church once). I hope that you are doing well. Cheers, D.C.
D.C. Davis

This is such a wonderful profile..of such a wonderful and compassionate man. If only there were more leaders in our world like you.. May you continue with your "Hobby" with all the gusto and enthusiasm God finds to send your way. Bless you Charles Adornetto...
Pina and Greg BECK

Charlie, I am not only proud to be your friend, but prouder that you are mine! Thank-you.
Bruce Gibson

You are an incredible man Charlie. You are loved.
doreen zannis

Excellant description of ASSF and great personal "interview". Roller Derby ?