She is a partner with Accenture, a global management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing company that is committed to delivering innovation. But Tina Naugle is also a volunteer with numerous nonprofits, and one who possesses an odd ball sense of humor. “You might say I have an off-center wit, I like to keep people on their toes!”
Through Accenture Tina started a community outreach program. “Every year or every quarter we would pick a cause that would bring together diverse people to work towards this common goal. One year we built a Habitat house.” And she adds, “I’ve always enjoyed supporting my community, whether through church or school; I feel compelled to choose a cause that helps others.”
Now the board chairman of Make-a -Wish Foundation of Arizona, Tina emphasizes “I wanted to get to know more about the kids and families behind the wishes, where their hearts were and the wishes that would bring them joy. It has taught me so much. Right now I have a wish for a young boy, who has cerebral palsy, who wants to meet all the Disney characters at Goofy’s Kitchen in Disneyland. He is non-verbal and his condition requires a lot of special needs. His mom is one of the strongest people I’ve met.”
Tina has also involved her family in her nonprofit activities. “ I’d say to my kids, ‘You’re bored? Guess what, this weekend we’re going to sort donations at Andre House!’ I think this was a good way to train the next generation of volunteers.” She is proud of her daughter Haley, 21, a student at ASU, and her son Marty, a high school sophomore. “ I’m very content with how they’ve turned out. My philosophy is, if you haven’t established a good relationship and habits by ages 10-12, you’ve got a tough row to hoe ahead of you.”
With a maiden name of Ballesteros, Tina explains, “ My grandfather came up from Mexico when Arizona was a new state, and worked as a ranch hand for hire at some of the well known ranches in the Tucson area. Then my father was a first generation American. We are proof positive that hard work and goals can accomplish so much. My family has been involved with three of the five Arizona C’s, cotton, cattle, and copper.”
The dry heat of Arizona is what this native appreciates most, and leisure activities include “antiquing, furniture refinishing, and being a thrift store junkie!”
Tina is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute, and has a reputation for completing some of Accenture’s most complex, multi-faceted technology integration efforts. “I actually handle stress well - maybe my sense of humor keeps me balanced! And I’ve always been a driven person. In college I had a double major, and earned a BS degree in both accounting and Management Information Systems. I passed my CPA exam, but I decided I couldn’t be an accountant. I am more interested in being forward thinking; for me it was too boring to look backward over a company’s balance sheet for a previous year. But having this background has helped establish my business sense, and I’ve applied this to technology.”
These qualities have also enabled Tina to be an effective volunteer in the Arizona nonprofit community, truly making a difference.
What are your volunteer activities? Make-A-Wish of Arizona, Make-A-Difference, Habitat for Humanity
Which social event is your favorite? The Make-A-Wish Ball
Favorite Restaurant? Lon's at the Hermosa
Who is your hero and why? Wonder Woman! (I always liked that Outfit) – Actually – my mom was the wonder woman in my life – it seemed that there wasn’t a thing she couldn’t do, and I grew up feeling the same way!
Who is the most interesting celebrity you have ever met? My pool of possible candidates is really limited so I guess it would have to be Shamu – although I’ve also met Mickey Mouse which would be a close second!
If your life were a movie, whom would you want to play your part? There is only one possible answer here: Angelina Jolie!
What gives a woman/man style? Confidence and attention to detail – with good self-confidence a person can pull off just about anything and it’s the detail in the little things that set a person apart from the rest!.
Do you have any Pets? Yes – I am a BIG DOG person, but I only have 3 just now!
When you move, what will your home tell its next owner, about you? I actually buried a time capsule in my home under the front entry with some of my special thoughts about AZ, my property and the home itself. While I did design my own home, I am not quite sure what it would say about me – but it will definitely say that my husband is a crappy duster!
What words describe you best? Brutally honest, fair and strong but tender hearted.
What words would you like others to use to describe you? A great person to talk to - unless you insist on getting a word in edgewise. But how would I like them to describe me? When I needed help the most… she was there.
What was your first job? At age 14 I was able to get a job as a counter server at El Taco in Tucson - it was a locally owned fast food restaurant, like a Taco Bell. I got a rejection notice in response to my resume for the CFO position at Raytheon saying I was a bit young so I had to settle.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? I talk too much, and that usually means I am not listening enough.
What is the trait you most deplore in others? Lack of integrity
What is your greatest indulgence? A good, creamy dark chocolate
What is the greatest gift you have ever given and received? When I was about 10 years old, I saved every nickel I had to buy this cheap pocket watch for my dad - and I remember how excited and surprised he seemed when he opened it. He made me feel like I had given him a crown! I think this fulfills both the given and received portion of the question!
What or who is the greatest love of your life My hubby – no matter what I set out to do, he’s always there to support me – he may be wincing as he’s doing it, but he always does.
What is your current state of mind? Mach 2-Hair-on-Fire. I run on adrenaline and have to be busy in a “hands-on” way. I have a great career, am Chairman for Make-A-Wish of Arizona, and do a fair amount of speaking and volunteering to keep my “bad hair days” consistent!
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Raising two good kids, Haley and Marty, well into their teen years with no major troubles.
What is your most treasured possession? I don’t have a possession that I don’t treasure! But I have an old cookie jar that was my favorite Grandma’s, and it is full of fond memories instead of cookies these days – so it would break my heart if something happened to it.
What is the quality you most like in people? Genuine – Made of the Salt of the Earth.
What is the best advice you have ever received? I have a quote that has been attributed to Charles Barkley, my all time favorite Phoenix Sun, that I have kept in a box over the years - it says "I'd rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I am not" which is in line with the best advice I’ve ever received - be yourself!