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Have You Met Lindsay Galbut?

The young and energetic Phoenix native, Lindsay Galbut, is passionate about nonprofits.

She is especially enthused about Muralcles, the University- based nonprofit she founded in 1999 while still an undergraduate at the University of Arizona. This organization provides friendship, healing and support to hospitalized children via art and music therapy. Young patients at the University Medical Center in Tucson and the Tucson Medical Center are serenaded by student musicians, invited to partake in art projects and each patient is given a box filled with art supplies to keep and to keep busy while in the hospital.

Muralcles lives up to its name by painting murals throughout various hospital areas. “ I had asthma as a child, and my parents brought me an art set that helped me express feelings which were difficult to verbalize”. It became clear to Lindsay that art therapy is important for sick children.

During her high school and college years, Lindsay filled many leadership roles. While participating in the University of Arizona’s McGuire Entrepreneurship Program, she learned how to start, maintain, and grow an organization.

Drawn to working with children, Lindsay was already organizing holiday parties at hospitals when she became acutely aware of the white, cold sterile image the facilities projected. It became her goal to make hospitals brighter, colorful, and friendlier; hence the idea was born for creating an organization that brings art and music into hospitals.

The first mural at the University Medical Center’s emergency waiting room depicts a circus theme and is compiled of a number of sketches created by volunteers. Up to 150 students were involved in Muralcles during its first year at UA. Another mural located in the main pediatric ward of the University Medical Center has an underwater theme, and still draws admiration from hundreds of hospital patients, visitors and medical staff.

After graduating Magna cum Laude with a dual degree in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, and receiving the 2000 Robie Gold Medal Award at UA, Lindsay moved to Chicago to pursue a career in advertising. There she was employed as a Media Associate for Leo Burnett’s media division, Starcom (the global advertising giant) working on the General Motors account. After Starcom, Lindsay founded her own PR and marketing restaurant consulting practice, Utensils, Inc. (tools for restaurant marketing).

After Utensils, Lindsay worked as a Strategic Brand Analyst in Younger Girls Marketing at Mattel in El Segundo, California.

Today she is the Director of Marketing for Galbut & Hunter (, a prominent Phoenix law firm specializing in business litigation and corporate and international law.

To her gratification, Muralcles continued even after Lindsay graduated. A founding member of the original UA group even went on to found a second Muralcles group at Arizona State University. The ASU group will in the near future likely be working with Phoenix Children’s Hospital and has worked with Banner Desert Medical Center.

Lindsay says that “Muralcles members love children, the arts, and helping others. Muralcles is unique in that it involves university-based volunteers, combining the arts and music in a pediatric hospital setting.”

Back again in Phoenix, Lindsay is in an advisory role now with Muralcles. Possibly in the future she will take the nonprofit national. Lindsay says an important sidelight of Muralcles is “the maturing and learning process that volunteers experience as they work through running the organization, working with hospital staff, and interacting with patients. Those who join as freshmen and sophomores truly grow through the organization.”

Besides her volunteer work with Muralcles, Lindsay is also involved with PRSA, the Public Relations Society of America as its Phoenix chapter Membership Chair, and WoMAC, the Women’s Metropolitan Arts Council (a support group to the Phoenix Art Museum). In addition, she is a national and local member of LMA, the Legal Marketing Association.

Lindsay admits she has very little downtime, but some activities she enjoys are Pilates, yoga, and spending time with her family and friends. She has traveled extensively to Europe, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Ecuador, and Fiji

Known for her sense of humor, creativity and general joy of life, it has been Lindsay’s goal to spread cheer to not only friends and family, but also to young hospitalized children. Even at her young age she has created a lasting legacy!

What are your volunteer activities? · Current Advisor and Founder of Muralcles · Board Member of the Women’s Metropolitan Arts Council (“WoMAC”) · Director of Membership for the Phoenix Public Relations Society of America chapter

Which social event is your favorite? The Phoenix Open

Favorite Restaurant? North at Scottsdale Kierland

Who is your hero and why? My late Great Grandmother Murray. She taught me what love, respect, humor and life are about

Who is the most interesting celebrity you have ever met? John McCain

If your life were a movie, whom would you want to play your part? Lucille Ball

What gives a woman/man style? Character

Do you have any Pets? No, allergic

When you move, what will your home tell its next owner, about you? The person who lived inside loved having her own sanctuary and place to bring together friends and family

What words describe you best? Passionate, creative, fun, thoughtful and driven

What words would you like others to use to describe you? Loyal, funny, intelligent

What was your first job? Media Associate at the global advertising agency Leo Burnett (in media division "Starcom")

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Sometimes looking for a quick outcome instead of patiently enjoying the journey

What is the trait you most deplore in others? Insincerity

What is your greatest indulgence? Mac & Cheese and milkshakes

What is the greatest gift you have ever given and received? A memory book to my brother for his 30th birthday. Best gift received: unconditional love from my family

What or who is the greatest love of your life? Greatest love of my life is my family and friends

What is your current state of mind? Energized, curious, content

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Founding Muralcles (in 1999---still continuing and at two universities)

What is the quality you most like in a man? Integrity

What is the quality you most like in a woman? Someone who is genuine

Favorite books / Writers? Al Ries: The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR

What one thing would you change about yourself? I wish I could sing

What is the best advice you have ever received? Be yourself. Follow your heart. Do what you love and all things will fall into place

Lindsay, I enjoyed reading your profile. I live in Denver and I am good friends with the co-founder of Blacktie, Kenton Kuhn. I was taking a look at BT AZ as I'm doing some homework on the other markets BT serves. Anyway, I took the time to read some of your interview. Since you are a marketing entrepreneur with a PR background and an interest in non-profits I wonder, how do you think an event like this would do in Scottsdale in Jan, Feb or March (High Season). We just had the second annual in Denver. Was a smash. I figure there are more people and money in AZ to support a charitable event like this. What do you think? Thanks, Kevin
Kevin Joseph

you look gorgeous (as usual)...what is this magazine? I leave for Montana Thursday, will miss our pilates and lunches. xo
Barbara Gallagher