Have You Met Rick McCartney?
InMedia is a company that takes seriously its social awareness, and its CEO Rick
McCartney leads by example. “Currently I am actively involved with a number of
nonprofits. Each of them is meaningful to me, either geared to my dedication to
educating children, or towards my interest in film making.”
Frank and straightforward, but with a sense of humor, Rick enumerates his
volunteer activities: “Starting in January, I will be the chairman for the Children’s
Museum of Phoenix Board. We are adamant about our mission - to educate
children and parents. I agree with our vision statement which is, ‘to engage the
minds, muscles and imaginations of children and the grownups who care about
them.’ It is just an incredible place and affords incredible experiences!”
The Phoenix Film Foundation has at its purpose the boosting of independent
film makers. It also educates young people and provides them with opportunities.
As Rick explains, “We host a seminar for young film makers at our Film Festival,
which begins March 31, 2012, and runs for eight days. We feature films
from around the world, but with an emphasis on Arizona. It’s a great venue for
young people interested in the industry. It is one of the Valley’s largest cultural
He continues, “And Great Heart Academies is a group of Arizona charter schools
that I support strongly. My son attends Veritas Preparatory Academy, their first
charter school in the area, founded in 2002. These schools emphasize a classical
education, with a tough curriculum, and an eye to college prep, but also requiring
music and the arts. It is a positive model for showing public schools what they can
be doing better, and also helps engage parents with their children’s education. I
strongly support their mission.”
A truly hands-on volunteer service Rick performs is for the Ronald Mc Donald
House. “We go over and make dinner for those staying at the house. I have been
taking my 14 year old son along to experience this since he was 7 years old. It’s
been a great way for him to enjoy helping others!”
A native Californian, Rick attended college in New York City and initially pursued a
degree in cinematography. He then went on to earn a degree in Government and
Economics at Fordham University.
“I moved to AZ in 1996 to work for an advertising agency. For the past 15 years
I have been in publishing. InMedia began in 2004. Our company produces
magazines, digital products, web sites, social media products, and filmed
entertainment. Our Phoenix area flagship product is In Business Magazine,
which has as its target audience business owners, entrepreneurs, and those who
promote the business community. We are partnered with the top local business
organizations, chambers and trade organizations, whose membership subscribes
to the publication.”
Rick states, “I’m proud that our company supports nonprofits by including
articles and advertising for them in each issue of In Business Magazine. We try
to showcase two organizations in each issue and attempt to coincide the articles
with their special events and fundraisers.”
McCartney appreciates Arizona’s winter weather, “And this area is unsurpassed
for its restaurants, arts organizations, and cultural opportunities. So many groups
work hard to improve and promote business in the Valley.” He spends much of his
free time mountain biking with his son and attending his son’s sporting activities.
Rick concludes, “At InMedia we believe in being vested in our business as to what
we can do to make it a better community!”
What are your local volunteer activities? Children’s Museum of Phoenix, Phoenix
Film Foundation, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, and Great
Hearts Academies
Who inspired you to give back to your community? Parents, friends, son
Which fundraising event is your favorite? Children’s Museum of Phoenix Gala
Favorite restaurant? Mastro’s (Any of them)
Who do you most admire, and why? Ronald Reagan – His commitment to make
a difference was so evident regardless of your politics. He was a great leader who
motivated many and led a great nation. Walt Disney –Creatively and in business,
he is one to emulate.
If your life were a movie, who would you want to play your part? Dudley Moore
Do you have any pets? A Labrador and a Golden Retriever
When you move, what will your home tell its next owner about you? Man, were
they clean . . .
What’s the best lesson you’ve learned through the years? People matter, don’t
#$@* up.
What was your first job? Clerk at Captain Video. “Will that be in VHS or Beta?”
What is your greatest indulgence? Being with my son.
What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Raising a gentleman.
What is your most treasured possession? My time with my son. (Don’t get me
wrong, I love many of the material things I own too . . .)
What is the quality you most like in people? Honesty and bluntness.
Favorite books/Writers? Anything by Kurt Vonnegut or Arthur Miller
What is the trait you most deplore in others? Conniving personalities
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Sailing, laying on the beach and film going
What would we be most surprised to know about you? I’m a romantic
What is the best advice you have ever received? At all costs, get it done! –
Hollywood agent
What are some challenges facing nonprofits? Resources (time and money) will
always be the biggest challenges. Those that succeed are those that nurture value
in people and relationships to provide further access.
Why dont I know you?
Christopher L Von Lintel
Lovely profile piece!
Marion Wiener