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Have You Met Vickie Larsen?


Expect great things when Vickie Larsen joins an organization!  This Wealth Management Executive knows how to focus her skills and accomplish her goals. Recently named Co-Chair of The Promise Ball for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), Vickie is already in the planning stages for that event in February, 2013.  "My husband and I have attended The Promise Ball for past three years, and it is the black tie event we look forward to each year.  I firmly believe in what JDRF is all about, so I was pleased to accept when Paula Bommarito, Associate Development Director for JDRF in Arizona, asked that I join their team!"


Vickie Larsen’s parents were from Sullivan, IL and moved to Chandler, AZ after they were married to start a family in a warmer climate. Vickie was born in Chandler and raised in Sedona. "I’ve spent my whole life here and I like that we do not have too many surprises with our weather. Besides the heat and the occasional dust storm, Arizona is a beautiful place with wonderful people. I truly enjoy living here!"


Exemplifying Vickie’s drive and focus is her professional career. "I started at Bank of America when I was 19 as a teller. By age 23, I was managing a consumer branch. I later moved into the field of wealth management where I became a Regional Executive. When Bank of Arizona offered me an opportunity to start The Private Bank in Phoenix, I took the leap and now lead teams in Arizona and New Mexico."


She explains, "I was very fortunate in past positions and in my current position to work with, and be mentored by excellent leaders.  I emulate a lot of what I learn and have always surrounded myself with great people who enjoy delivering exceptional service and value to the clients we touch. I am a firm believer in delivering excellence to clients, shareholders, and the employees who work for me. I enjoy and am very motivated to win for all of the individuals above!"


Larsen found out at age 17 that she had Type 1 diabetes. "It can be challenging dealing with and controlling the disease. I check my blood sugar 10 times a day, eat well and exercise daily and still struggle with regular hypoglycemic episodes. Although I was advised that having children was a risk, I am grateful to have two beautiful healthy daughters. The worst thing about being diabetic is the worry I put my husband and daughters through."


Naturally perceptive and shrewd, Vickie Larsen wants to bring those positive traits to JDRF: "I want more people to be aware that diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions. We need to find out why.  If it does not affect you or anyone you know today, most likely it will in the future.  My heart goes out to parents who worry every hour about their children with Type 1 Diabetes. JDRF has made great strides in conquering certain aspects of the disease. To me, it just makes sense that everyone should be on board to help cure, treat, and prevent T1D!"


What are your local volunteer activities?

JDRF today. I served on the board for the Valley Youth Theater from 2008 – 2010.

Who inspired you to give back to your community?

My daughters Kali and Kelsey. Both are newly married and will be starting families soon. I have always felt blessed that I was challenged with a disease that allows me to live a normal productive life. That said, I want to do all I can to assist in prevention of T1D for my future grandchildren.

Which fundraising event is your favorite?

JDRF Promise Ball

Favorite restaurant?

Bella Notte in North Scottsdale

Who do you most admire, and why?

My husband Brad. Strong talented leader who develops his team to win and earns loyalty and respect from those he touches. Great friend, always makes you smile and is someone you can depend on. A wonderful husband, Brad puts me first every day. As a senior executive for a large firm he has tremendous responsibility and pressure. His responsibility never keeps him from checking on my blood sugar several times during the day. Brad also wakes up during the night reaches over to touch me to make sure I am not showing signs of low blood sugar. More nights than not, he gets up, checks my sugar, and holds a juice box for me to drink if needed to keep me safe. As if that were not enough, he makes me feel valued and loved. Every year he earns "The Husband of the Year" award!

If your life were a movie, who would you want to play your part?

Sandra Bullock

Do you have any pets?


When you move, what will your home tell its next owner about you?

Neat and organized, warm and happy

What’s the best lesson you’ve learned through the years?

Accept what you cannot change and fight for what you can. 

What was your first job?


What is your greatest indulgence?

I daily drive a Ferrari California.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

My beautiful happy, healthy, daughters Kali and Kelsey

What is your most treasured possession?

My wedding ring, my husband. 

What is the quality you most like in people?

Honest, hard working, loyal

Favorite books/Writers?

Harlan Coben, Nelson DeMille

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Dishonest, Lazy

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Spending time with family, Cross Fit, Pilates, reading

What would we be most surprised to know about you?

I did not attend college. In my position that surprises most people.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Work hard, play hard and love deeply and happiness and success will follow.


Very inspiring story. You inspire me Vickie, so glad to know you. Esee