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Have You Met Susan and Mike Ebert?

The Eberts of Paradise Valley have always been active volunteers with local nonprofits, and now they are passing on their sense of commitment to their children. "We’ve just joined the National Charity League, so we’ll be involved with our daughters supporting that organization for the next eight years."

Together, Mike and Susan have 2 daughters and a son. "I have been extremely involved with their elementary school for the last seven years " relates Susan. "I’ve taught Spanish, Art Masterpiece, served on numerous committees and been a room mom many times. Most recently I served as Co-Treasurer and then Co-President of the Association of Parents and Teachers. This year I will be the advisor and will serve on the school's site council. My first priority is my children, so I want to volunteer where they are. "

She continues, "I’ve always been involved with nonprofits. I worked for four years with the Friends of Foster Children Foundation, even while I was working and going to school."

A former sorority sister of Pi Beta Phi, Susan has maintained her ties with the campus organization. " I’ve been an advisor, helped with rush, and still participate with the club." Recently Susan was named one of the chairs for the Pulse function of the Heart Ball, which includes a luncheon and runway show. "It’s just incredible the success the Heart Ball has had in Phoenix. They raise a phenomenal amount of money for the American Heart Association."

A native of Lincoln, NE, Mike Ebert had some friends who went to ASU, so he also decided to go there, and joined the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. "I found I loved Arizona! In college I got involved with some internships with real estate, enjoyed that, and I found I appreciated the lifestyle of Arizona." Susan laughs, "We have a ‘mixed’ marriage- I went to U of A, while Mike went to AZ- State. So sometimes there is a bit of rivalry between us!" They met through a sorority sister of hers.

Mike volunteers with Young Life, the group that works with children in inner city schools, and he has mentored the leader of Maryvale High School for several years. He has also coached youth sports, including basketball, baseball, and soccer "I feel that my volunteer work creates balance and a more real identity."

As a family, the Eberts spend much of their free time in Coronado, CA, where they have a second home. Also Susan participates in " tennis, and a million different hobbies. Sometimes life goes by in a blur, while we are trying to keep up with all our children’s activities!" Susan has also been her second daughter’s Girl Scout troop leader for several years now. For after work hours Mike enjoys playing tennis and being involved in his kids' lives

Mike and Susan are very loyal to the Phoenix area, "We love the beautiful weather we have here, the desert, the diversity. It’s truly an oasis in the middle of the desert. I also still have most of my family and friends in the area, so it’s the place that still seems most like home."

The Eberts conclude, "We enjoy being involved in the community. We feel it is important to give back and we want to pass on a sense of serving others to our children!"

What are your volunteer activities? I was very involved in the Pi Beta Phi Alumnae club/ ASU Alumnae Advisory Committee for many years. I still participate in the club but am no longer an officer. I have been heavily involved in my children’s Elementary school for the last 6 years. I have done just about everything possible at Cherokee. I’ve taught Spanish and Art Masterpiece, and co-chaired room mom for 5 years, among other things. Recently, I have served, with a co-chair, as APT Treasurer, President and now Advisor. This year, I have joined National Charity League. My daughters and I will be busy with that for the next 8 years.

Which social event is your favorite? I really enjoy the Pulse event. It is definitely fun. Who can resist shopping and a fashion show with pals.

Favorite restaurant? Mom’s house, I’d rather have my mom cook me my favorite Italian dishes than eat anywhere else!

Who is your hero and why? God, for some reason, he’s always watching out for me.

If your life were a movie, who would you want to play your part? Julia Louis-Dreyfus

What gives a woman/man style? Two things: confidence and kindness. Confidence allows you to stay true to yourself. Kindness makes people ignore your flaws and see your heart.

Do you have any pets? The smartest, prettiest, funniest, tomboy ever, our Golden-doodle, Emma.

When you move, what will your home tell its next owner, about you? That we liked to have fun.

What words describe you best? Honest, loyal, fun

What words would you like others to use to describe you? To know her is to love her”

What was your first job? When I was 18, I worked as an aide to the Comptroller at the Camelhead Suites Hotel on the SE corner of McDowell and 44th street.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? My Italian roots can make me a little overwhelming for shy, quiet people.

What is the trait you most deplore in others? Lack of loyalty; people who drop friends for new-and-improved friends. My friends are friends for life.

What is your greatest indulgence? Unplugging completely and spending the summer in Coronado.

What is the greatest gift you have ever given and received? A gift from God, our children.

What or who is the greatest love of your life? Mike is the first and only love of my life.

What is your current state of mind? I fluctuate between the state of relaxation and the state of panic.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Our three children. So far so good!

What is your most treasured possession? Family photographs

What is the quality you most like in people? Genuineness, a willingness to be open and be themselves.

Favorite Books/Writers? I enjoy all types of historical fiction. Authors like Ana Seton, Philippa Gregory, and many others.


Name: Mike Ebert Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska Resident: Paradise Valley Education: Bachelors in Real Estate and Finance from Arizona State

Profession: Commercial Developer Status: Married

What are your volunteer activities? Young Life (Maryvale) Board, Downtown Phoenix Partnership Board, Trinity International University Board of Regents, Youth sports coach

Favorite restaurant? Bario’s Café

Who is your hero and why? Tom Osborne, University of Nebraska. He is a model of consistency, professionalism, and integrity. Never lost back to back games.

If your life were a movie, who would you want to play your part? Will Ferrell

What words describe you best? Focused, fun

What words would you like others to use to describe you? Patient, loving

What was your first job? Working hard on my uncle’s farm

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Impatience

What is the trait you most deplore in others? Lack of sincerity

What is your greatest indulgence? Chocolate and peanut butter ice cream

What is the greatest gift you have ever given and received? forgiveness

What or who is the greatest love of your life? Susan, she has the same beautiful smile that I fell in love with 18 years ago.

What is your current state of mind? Excited

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? The ability to not allow achievement to define me.

What is the quality you most like in people? Thoughtfulness

Favorite Books/Writers? Author, Philip Yancy